Friday 30 August 2019

"Waterfront plan cut back call by climate group"

Waterfront plan cut back call by climate group

From Facebook:
  • DCC staff countered saying the waterfront plan was designed to accommodate predicted sea-level rise over the next 50 years, and sustainability is part of the vision.
    • Paul Allan Symons It’s a flop, they can not get a building permit and yet raise the money for the construction, another big stupid idea from muppets

  • Victor Billot There is a complete disconnect here. It is obvious to any rational person that the coming decades are going to be massively challenging at best. The focus has to be on planning for this and future proofing our infrastructure and basic services.
    Instead we are on some quest to compete with Dubai or something, to appeal to whom?

  • Dave Smith It's an AWESOME project and Dunedin needs it!... Our Harbour is so under-utilised and could be used for so much more but you need to invest to get investment returns.

    • Lisa Yonker It's cos its bloody freezing down there even on the hottest day. I would never want to go to Steamer Basin to hang out

  • Dave Smith well, some of us scuba dive it.. some of us wind surf it.. some of us swim in it and soon.. some of us will golf in it... Maybe it's not as bad as you think? ;)
    Mark Jamieson We don't NEED WANT it....if you had to pay for it I bet you wouldn't. And what about what future generations "Need" not bloody debt thats for sure.

  • Dave Smith Mark Jamieson I guess it all comes down to if we want a progressive city or a city that's laden in old decrepit buildings...

  • Hanna Lin Dave Smith Spending money on development that is mostly decorative doesn't sound progressive to me.

  • Dave Smith Hanna Lin Unique architecture is in it's own right a tourist attraction... It's a good looking building, and buildings bring money.. take the train station.. the most photographed building in the southern hemisphere.. take the Sydney opera house.. many people travel just to see it... Decorative = attractive = tourism interest...
    • Kerry Stewart Such a not a good time to do this. Rates a far out of control now and if you think this type of project will be on budget I think you need to wake up and get a taste of reality.
      Lyndon Weggery Kerry Stewart - meanwhile we are still waiting for Hon. Shane Jones to come up with central government funding from the PGF.

    • Sandy Price Just leave the harbourside productive businesses alone!

    • Sarah Ellison Would they just fix what needs to be fixed before spending any money on fantasy vanity projects please. I pay my rates to get value for my money and I am afraid that it's not really happening at present.
      Lyndon Weggery Speaking from a South Dunedin perspective it would be helpful for Nicola Penfield to tell us what are the official sealevel rise projections in the next 50 years given there was no cause for alarm given by Sue Bidrose at the recent South Dunedin Community Hui.

      • Ken McHoull Lyndon Weggery After a $60000 rise Bidrose will make herself known, never heard of any of her accomplishments, what are they?

    • Lisa Yonker They were all in the article about her pay rise actually, along with the fact she tried to decline the money, saying it was unfair to other council staff

    • Jared Smith I also think it looks quite extravagant.

    • John Fridd Not many people know that what's being planned is a new Atlantis. They build it, then the sea rises and drowns it and hey presto - a new tourist attraction!

    • Sophie Read Someone please fix up Rattray st! It looks so manky!

      • Dave Smith It does I agree.. but they are private buildings and nothing to do with the DCC.
        Richard M K Lewis (SCAN) Almost spelt out SCAM. Hilarious though that they have a facebook page...must mean they use technology. Hypocrites!

    • Rachel J Page Regardless of climate change. Do we really need this debt right now? There's a lot to be fixed and built with out monuments being added.

      • Ben Blackmore Rachel J Page how often are we likely to get a subsidy for this type of thing from the government? Do you think National will stump up with anything?

    • Rachel J Page I would love for it to go ahead. I am just concerned as a ratepayer. 

    • JanferieSefo Kelekolio Lol where did the houses go on the peninsular?? This could be millions of dollars under water if what they are saying about rising sea waters is going to happen...... Maybe they should make a giant see thru bubble that you could go down into look under water and ontop of water....??

    • Darrin Evans Bet it doesn’t go ahead with such a proactive council like Dunedin has.

    • Ted McArthur never mind climate emergencies, what about the impending alien invasion? Zombie Apocalypse? Unicorn extinction? JUST BUILD IT, FFS

    • Alex Mcewan Here comes the anti Dunedin progress brigade.
      • Jared Smith I hate progress almost as much as I hate that bridge

    • Alex Mcewan Jared Smith then you can help fall even further behind and be even more stuck in the past.the harbour basin is embarrassing .I love the new idea

    • Alex Mcewan Robyn Dennison I love it Robyn I think it will be good for Dunedin the teeth on Portsmouth drive are ugly.

    • Lisa Yonker The bridge alone will cost at least $450 per rates houeshold. I would love to know what return people think they are getting for that $450 exactly

    • Alicia Frost I love the design its lovelyand enhances the harbour regardless. I think it will help the city boom even more than it is

    • Mark Jamieson As much as I hate this water front development ... I have to point out that there IS no climate emergency, there is no global warming problem.
    • Rewriting Iceland
      Rewriting Iceland
      Rewriting Iceland
    • Maire Bouman Morgan No surprises there...all the climate dogooders come out in protest and put a stop to any progress in Dunedins development....looks like we are stuck with Hogwarts! Would be nice if they at least upgraded public transportation....the stinky black smoke blowing diesel monsters are polluting the ozone!

Tuesday 27 August 2019

"Tosswill Towers" - 5-star hotel, Moray Pl car park

Developer has rivals for site

Tekapo businessman Anthony Tosswill has been trying to win support for his hotel and apartment project, to be built on the Moray Pl car park site, since unveiling plans for a 17-storey tower in 2016.

...  Mr Tosswill now faced competition from other possible developers to use the site....

...Council chief executive Sue Bidrose, contacted this week, said she did not know what Mr Tosswill's plans were, "but I do know there's other interest in the site"....

........Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford unveiled a proposed new strategy this week which would, if approved, allow the Government to direct councils to free up planning rules in some areas, including height restrictions.
Mr Cull, in a radio interview last week, said the failure to see a five-star hotel built in the city was one of the disappointments from his time as mayor.........


  KeithMcC Sat, 24/08/2019 - 12:29pm
If it is so important to get rid of the car park then DCC should be maximising return to ratepayers via an open public sale.
And as to Mr Culls disappointments, yeah well lets not really get started on our disappointment in him. A bloke who came to the mayoralty on the back of cutting costs and working for ratepayers. Well that didn't work out quite so well did it.

Sunday 25 August 2019

"Impromptu nailed pole testing on Riselaw Road"

  • Bit of impromptu nailed pole testing on Riselaw Road just now.
    Well done Aurora, Richard Fletcher and Glen Coates. Looks like nailing a poor condition pole means that it snaps a metre higher than usual as well as at ground line. Strangely enough reduced fibre strength doesn't stop at the ground.

    • Mark Jefferies Well - the nails did stop the car in an efficient manner by the look of it - so credit where credit is due Richard 🙂

  • Wayne Pennington It would appear they may created a stress point the same as when you put a cut in a piece of wood and break it
    • Wayne Pennington yes. A well documented failure of reinforcing systems. Often referred to as a barber's chair failure although here the more typical bit of timber left sticking upright isn't present.

      That strap makes a very efficient stress raiser. It acts in precisely the same way as a notch in the pole would, concentrating stress at one point until failures occurs.

Friday 23 August 2019

"Three-day hearing into oil giant discharge cost $51,000"

 OIO was needed, again. Transparency is a word restricted to election campaigns.

"A breakdown of the cost of the hearing has been released to Stuff under the Official Information Act."

"An oil giant will pick up the tab for a three-day hearing on its application to discharge a harmful substance off the Otago coast....
...The Great Southern Basin is home to protected species including yellow-eyed penguins, albatross, southern right whales and New Zealand fur seals.,,,

,,,Under OMV's Great South Basin permit, the company is required to drill one exploration well before July 10, 2021.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced an end to any new offshore oil exploration permits in April 2018."

This is how top pay rates get ratchetted up

...Mr Cull said the rise reflected the need to bring Dr Bidrose's pay into line with market value, which had been independently assessed.
He also wanted to reward her "simply outstanding" performance and address a gender pay gap.
Despite that, Dr Bidrose had tried to turn it down, asking instead for a small increase in line with those received by other council staff, Mr Cull said.....

Anzac Ave - Harrow St site

Wait and see.

23 August 2019

The property in Anzac Ave and Harrow St changed hands on Monday after its owner reached an agreement to sell in June.
The site includes the 2100sqm building of design-and-build firm Miller Creative, leased until 2020.
It also contains a light industrial-use premises leased to Otago Polytechnic as a workshop, three student flats, a four-bedroom house, 30 storage units and a 250sqm warehouse.
It was investigated by the Otago Regional Council as a potential headquarters location, but the ORC was unsuccessful in securing the site.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Power cuts - "resilient network" ain't a thing

Resilient network, see below, is how the internet was designed. Inter-connected so if  pathway A<>G was blocked the digi-postman could go by detour A>C>K>W>D> and end up at G, gasping "The mail must get through."
  • Once again the people of Central Otago get the rough end of the stick.
    High winds, hmmm... That's why god gave us anamometers and real time weather monitoring. Peak gust in Hawea 68kmh, which means that the biggest gust was officially in the high wind bracket, but the description of the average wind is strong breeze.
    When will Aurora stop blaming the weather for their incompetence and lack off maintenence.
    Yes trees blow over - no the company isn't usually responsible - but they are responsible for what happens next. Aurora have a regulatory obligation to trim trees clear of lines. Anyone think they meet that obligation?
    They also have a responsibility to build a resilient network. That means lots of interconnection points and the ability to restore power from adjacent areas. In Dunedin that happens. In Central Otago not so much.
    Sometimes it's as simple as having lots of break points, switches and links, along a line so that the affected area can be kept as small as possible. Once again, Central Otago is poorly served.
    But if you think Makarora has it rough spare a thought for Glenorchy. Although the wind there hasn't been above a mild breeze all day, if they want a hot lunch they will have to dig out the barbeque.
    Thanks Aurora, you've done out again.
    About this website
    Power is out north of Lake Hawea after high winds brought branches…
    • John Evans Richard, four times within a week there were power outages in Portobello. My freezer will be stuffed
    • Richard Healey John which wouldn't be quite as bad if you could see an end to it or if the work that was being completed was indeed the most urgent that could be done. But you can't and it's not.

      The waste and inefficiency around this program of works is mind boggling.
  • John Evans There’s no end, this is the beginning. The financial rapists at the DCC snd their excessive borrowing for pet projects including stadiums with no return to the city, bus hubs with nompsssengers, traffic lights causing more pollution and walker friendly CVD with no way to park and get there.