Tuesday 3 September 2019

Regional council election - article

Please, PLEASE bring all your critical faculties to this election. Bring them out in public now, start discussions, talk to strangers in supermarket checkout queues. Anything to get people involved, interested in voting, telling good or bad stories about their experiences with aspiring City and Regional Council candidates. 

They all tell us why they are the best person for the job. It is our job to search past the public profile so we can vote like responsible grownups. We are - aren't we?

Candidates, you are welcome to contribute to this site. Email whatiffer@gmail.com - unfortunately the "add comment to page" doesn't work.

Why you need to pay attention to Regional Council races

Among the hundreds of local government races under way, just over a dozen could have an outsize impact on environmental issues. Alex Braae explains why Regional Council elections matter.

....So for voters, the best time to start looking at candidates running for Regional Councils is now. If you have questions for the people seeking to govern the environmental management of the country, ask them is during an election, when they’ll be most keen to talk. More than any other branch of local government, Regional Council decisions can linger long after those making them are gone.