Tuesday 27 August 2019

"Tosswill Towers" - 5-star hotel, Moray Pl car park

Developer has rivals for site

Tekapo businessman Anthony Tosswill has been trying to win support for his hotel and apartment project, to be built on the Moray Pl car park site, since unveiling plans for a 17-storey tower in 2016.

...  Mr Tosswill now faced competition from other possible developers to use the site....

...Council chief executive Sue Bidrose, contacted this week, said she did not know what Mr Tosswill's plans were, "but I do know there's other interest in the site"....

........Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford unveiled a proposed new strategy this week which would, if approved, allow the Government to direct councils to free up planning rules in some areas, including height restrictions.
Mr Cull, in a radio interview last week, said the failure to see a five-star hotel built in the city was one of the disappointments from his time as mayor.........



  KeithMcC Sat, 24/08/2019 - 12:29pm
If it is so important to get rid of the car park then DCC should be maximising return to ratepayers via an open public sale.
And as to Mr Culls disappointments, yeah well lets not really get started on our disappointment in him. A bloke who came to the mayoralty on the back of cutting costs and working for ratepayers. Well that didn't work out quite so well did it.