Aurora - R Healey "Steve Thompson claimed..." back in 2017

  It's easy to pull the wool over people's eyes when they have forgotten the recent history. Aurora's horrific (proposed) increases in line charges will for sure be dressed in fictional tales of unavoidable diddle-de-dum, prudent management of risk in accordance with latest international tra-la-la, and a double portion of hey-nonny-no. 

Now, 3 times round the May-it-not-fall-down Pole and a stroll down memory lane with Richard Healey.


24 November 2019   Richard Healey wrote on facebook  

So Steve Thompson claimed there were no faults. Since this post four out of six of these cables have been replaced at the cost of tens of millions of dollars. This is also the man who has presided over what I believe I've proved is the horribly flawed repair program that's going to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from YOUR pockets.

It seems to me that the next step in cleaning out the Aurora cancer in the body of Dunedin is to apply some chemotherapy to the board.

Here is the original post, 2 years ago:

Thirteen days ago Stephen Thompson was reported in the ODT as saying , "(he) rejected all of Mr Healey's claims and said the public could be confident in Aurora Energy's sub-transmission network. The accurate situation is that all Dunedin zone substations are in service and none of the cables that supply them have failed.''
I've posted extensively about the previous two failures (Willowbank, Smith St.) proving that, as usual, I was right and that Stephen Thompson was misinforming the public. I haven't been able to post much about the third fault at Neville Street because Aurora couldn't find it - so not much to show apart from proving that it was out of service.
So this morning I got up to take a photo of one lane NOT completely blocked for several hundred meters on Andersons Bay Road, during rush hour trafic. It's NOT blocked so that crews can NOT dig to NOT expose what ISN'T the cause of the NOT failure on the Neville Street No.1 cable.
Don't worry if you miss the disruption this morning. I'm sure that they will be working at site for a while. For a kick off, the only guy in Dunedin who could NOT repair this NOT a fault is on holiday so they will have to NOT fly a crew in from Auckland.
I'll keep you posted about what's NOT going on. But don't worry! You have Stephen Thompson's word that there is NOT a problem.

    Steve Thompson, spokesperson for the Board of Aurora Energy was quoted in the ODT 17 days ago like this:
    “Mr Thompson rejected all of Mr Healey's claims and said the public could be confident in Aurora Energy's sub-transmission network.”
    “The accurate situation is that all Dunedin zone substations are in service and none of the cables that supply them have failed.''
    So, once again, let's look at the evidence.
    At the intersection of Andy Bay Rd. and the Southern Motorway you can see that a new tent has sprung up in the footpath. It's pictured below. Inside that tent, a crew flown down from Auckland, are trying to repair the gas leak that is the reason for this cables failure.
    This cable is the primary feed supplying Neville St zone Substation. Neville St. supplies power to most of South Dunedin including the bulk of the business area.
    If you look at the picture that shows a guy using a broom you will see the cable and what is left of the joint. The outer shell of the joint (a component for connecting together two sections of cable) has been removed. That outer shell is usually filled with a few hundred kilograms of bitumen to protect the inner components from the environment. That has been removed too. the crew now have access to the source of the leak.
    What do you think the evidence shows? Did Steven Thompson mislead us when he said "none of the cables that supply them have failed"?

    Paula Gee He lied.

    • Margaret Livingstone Nonsense Paula, he was merely hallucinating under the influence of the full moon that toppled the one in Alexandra the other day.

  • Diane Yeldon More and more it seems senior and even chief executives or vice-chancellors or anyone where the buck is supposed to stop are getting paid for lying - for saying everything is okay instead of making sure that it actually is.

    Malcolm Taylor Someone let the smoke out. The cable won't work until the smoke has been replaced

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