Saturday 21 September 2019

Candidates: conclusions of the craft beer consultants

Elections are the time for careful fact gathering and mature consideration. Our mission : to bring the wisdom from the watering holes to Whatiffers. Next episode will be the new contenders, the unknowns. That's if enough people know anything about them worth repeating.


Lee Vandervis. We need him. Has a vital role. The pick for mayor. 

Could have saved the city a small fortune if Cull hadn't been such a bitch, shutting him as far out of council as an elected councillor can be. No committees (well, it's easier if there is nobody asking the hard questions and demanding accountability, isn't it!) and then there was the South Dunedin flood, most glaring example of fingers in ears lalalalala. 

Caused by sea level rise (sick joke). Not so, as Lee had noticed taking his dog for walks regularly. The sucker truck had been missing though paid for and the mud traps were full of mud, crud and urban debris, in other words the severity of the South Dunedin flood was largely created by DCC taking its eye off the ball and Vandervis getting bitch-slapped for trying to get necessary things done. Too many examples of how his practicality and intelligence were nuked by the less able ex-TV personality's resentment.

Mike Lord. Steady performer. Has principles. Lightens spirits, says a seasoned council-watcher. 



Jim O’Malley. Good brain. Doesn’t translate to good use of other people’s money (think taking Ocho to the brink of insolvency in short order. Could come right. Has a long history of overcoming difficulties using intelligence and mental flexibility to find work-arounds from a different angle

Andrew Whiley. Good in spots. Inconsistent. Struggles to be relevant outside drilling for gas and the economic development that could bring.

Doug Hall. Great contributions when he does become involved, which is not often enough. Would be interesting to see him chair of something. Underestimated because he's seldom in the media. Not one of Cull and Benson-Pope's flock.

Marie Laufiso. Improving. Finding her voice. Good to have as a perspective around the table but we don’t need too many of those views. (Nor any fewer for that matter.)



Damien Newell. Once over lightly. Doesn’t add much to the DCC.

Christine Garey. Doesn’t seem to have much point. Poor listener. Poor speaker too, the words come out just fine, pity about the skinny content.

Aaron Hawkins. Talks well. Unfortunately all ideas about ever increasing rates. Prepared to override democracy any old time (Think $1 mill on climate change not in annual plan, supporting staff not doing report on local body amalgamation.) 

Notice he has pulled back from greenishness in the media in recent months, attempting to present a non-aligned persona.

Student politician who has never strayed far from the "Student Ambition Path To Career Politician". Top marks for consistency, I suppose.

David Benson-Pope. Great at getting his own way. Prepared to override any attempts at democracy (see Aaron above and other issues). A bully and unpleasant to be near if you don’t agree with him. Discussion about him usually includes the use of tennis balls, and there's always someone who recalls old gossip relating to his (apparently not all that private, if you believe what you've heard) private life which is always good for a laugh.

Chris Staynes. That the ODT still feels the need to put an asterisk beside him as a sitting councillor says it all. If you didn’t know he is a sitting councillor by now don’t vote for him. Even if you knew......  Like, why would you if you're not related?