Sunday 1 March 2020

Harbour dishrack, possibly real inspiration for design

I've always thought "cockle shells" was a retrofit explanation designed to impress councillors eager to spend up large on Visions - infrastructure can wait, eh.

Maggie McCormick that moment i thought they were bench of dishes

  • Mike Cooper Kinda like this


    According to the sales pitch its design is relevant to Dunedin's Harbour because it references cockles.
    Mussels possibly, old bleached shells. That's the best fit for the shapes in the design. Or tuatua, toheroa, pipi. But cockles - pfooey! Pull the other one.

    Architecture Van Brandenburg’s cockleshell-shaped building proposed for the Steamer Basin area....

Fake flowers, real money - "vibrant and unique"


Blossoming project

Giant flowers sprang up in Municipal Lane this week, brightening the walkway to the Octagon Experience in Dunedin. DCC city services general manager Sandy Graham said the flowers in the heritage lane would help showcase the importance of city lanes as vital pedestrian links......

....."Rather than using normal wayfinder signage, it was agreed that something vibrant and unique would be ideal."
The artist behind the colourful display was Theme Productions and feedback from the public had been positive.
The installation had cost $34,000 and would be returned to the artist in April.