Tuesday 16 July 2019


$100m key for waterfront

Steamer Basin. Photo: Gerard O'Brien
Steamer Basin. Photo: Gerard O'Brien 

.........The Otago Daily Times has previously reported only that the city was seeking a major allocation from the fund, understood to be $50 million or more.
Former city councillor Hilary Calvert, in a column published earlier this year, had suggested the "eye-watering" sum being sought could be twice that amount, at $100 million, but the parties involved have refused to confirm exact figures.
But, posting on social media in recent days, Cr Lee Vandervis may have inadvertently confirmed the figure - until now discussed only behind closed doors - was $100million.
In a post discussing the council's planned investment in a pedestrian and cyclist bridge to the waterfront, he said spending on the bridge was a "prerequisite for $100 million of Provincial Growth funding".
Cr Vandervis' post was removed yesterday, but came just weeks after councillors received an update on the waterfront project during the non-public part of last month's full council meeting.......

.........Damien van Brandenburg and Dunedin businessman Ian Taylor, the men who first fronted the waterfront development vision, also had no comment yesterday.

Full article  https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/100m-key-waterfront

Election: Kate Wilson to stand for ORC

'Passion for Otago' - Wilson to stand for ORC

Kate Wilson
Cr Kate Wilson. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Dunedin city councillor Kate Wilson has confirmed she will stand for election again - but this time for the Otago Regional Council. Cr Wilson had been expected to step down from the DCC when local body elections are held in October.
However, she told the Otago Daily Times yesterday she had been "become energised" by the calibre of candidates coming forward to seek election to the ORC, and wanted to join them.
"I think it's a really exciting opportunity for change."
She would stand for a seat in the Molyneux Constituency, which covers the Clutha, Mosgiel-Taieri and Strath Taieri districts........


 Comments on odt site:
Whats up with all this movement to ORC, Do these people know they will no longer be protected by Cull? Do they know they will be held accountable under a new Mayor, Will there cover be blown with a new Mayor. Or do they know they have bleed Dunedin Dry so they will now prey on Otago via the ORC. I guess some may say "Gliding On" at the DCC will be over when Cull moves on,

Great news! She’s one of the hardest working Councillors I’ve known and will be brilliant on the ORC