Sunday 25 August 2019

"Impromptu nailed pole testing on Riselaw Road"

  • Bit of impromptu nailed pole testing on Riselaw Road just now.
    Well done Aurora, Richard Fletcher and Glen Coates. Looks like nailing a poor condition pole means that it snaps a metre higher than usual as well as at ground line. Strangely enough reduced fibre strength doesn't stop at the ground.

    • Mark Jefferies Well - the nails did stop the car in an efficient manner by the look of it - so credit where credit is due Richard 🙂

  • Wayne Pennington It would appear they may created a stress point the same as when you put a cut in a piece of wood and break it
    • Wayne Pennington yes. A well documented failure of reinforcing systems. Often referred to as a barber's chair failure although here the more typical bit of timber left sticking upright isn't present.

      That strap makes a very efficient stress raiser. It acts in precisely the same way as a notch in the pole would, concentrating stress at one point until failures occurs.