Aurora - shocking line charge increase - Richard Healey, ODT, 1 comment

It's enough to make a cat laugh. 
Mere days after Comalco's heart-rending cry of poverty, preparatory to getting another taxpayer subsidy for their electricity, comes this. 
Squeezed Aurora victims are not going to be in the mood for compassionately propping up a multinational giant.

Your power bill is going up $21 a month - without you using any more electricity - and that's the good news.
As I told you it would, Aurora has just released its proposal for A Customised Price Pathway. That's a flash term for a price rise its applying for to the commerce commission.
Here's the bottom line (according to that open and honest company Aurora). In the first year the "average consumer" will pay $21 a month more for their electricity. In the second and third years there will be $10 a month added on each month. At the end of year two you will be paying an extra $41 a month for power - that's $500:00 a year, every year till the end of time.
BUT that's the sugar coated version from Aurora. The devil will be in the detail. Users in Alexandra, Roxburgh, Wanaka and surrounding areas will be paying twice that much unless there is a dramatic reduction in the current price differential.
The figures they have given won't come close to recovering their costs, maybe half. NOW do you see why you should have paid more attention?

 Richard Healey

It seems that Aurora have removed the Delloite Report from their website. The mention of it in association with the current investigation that has been commissioned by the council has obviously rekindled interest.
I have included a link here to aid those of you who have asked me for a copy in the last couple of weeks. The version released by the company was simply a low resolution scan of the (poorly) printed paper report which made cutting and pasting from the document impossible - as you would expect from an open, honest and transparent company.
This version has been OCRed so that cutting and pasting is possible, but I haven't proof read the results in total so please do that yourself if you are going to quote this material elsewhere.!AlwusqX1G1GspBjmm1Pbh0J7PFT6?e=wkhxat


Aurora has 'stuffed up big time': MP

....Ms Curran said the price hikes would severely impact on households.
''People on fixed incomes, low and medium wages simply cannot afford an extra $250-$500 annual price increase for a basic utility.''
The increases were the result of years of under-investment in basic infrastructure by a council-controlled company that had never been held accountable for its negligence, she said.
''In my view, Aurora has stuffed up big time and their plan is not prudent. It's deliberate and sustained negligence.''
She said the price increases were well flagged, but not by Aurora or by its owner, the Dunedin City Council.
''Instead, it took the research work of a former employee turned whistleblower to warn people that big price increases were coming.''
That whistleblower was Richard Healey, who yesterday said his reaction to the report was ''despair''.
''For three years, I've been predicting that this is coming - not only that it was coming but the degree of harm that this was going to cause.
''It's one of those days where you just don't want to be right.
''Energy poverty is a real thing and this is going to spread it.''

 ...Meanwhile, Queenstown's council is preparing to fight the proposal.
Mr Boult said the increase was ''in large part a result of highly inflated dividends'' paid by Aurora to the Dunedin City Council.
''I would suggest this money should have been invested more wisely in maintaining and improving Aurora's infrastructure and, if it had been, this situation would not be before us now,'' he said.
He believed the Dunedin council should consider a capital contribution to Aurora to help address the infrastructure issue.....

 ..... see


Josh Shave [on facebook]Not sure what I'm paying for.... I've got two blue tag (defective) poles outside my house holding up a massive transformer. Been tagged for 4 years now, still not replaced

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