Aurora - "How ya getting on with the changes Deloitte recommended?" - Sid Scales cartoob

A wry smile before the Aurora Oct.29, Nov.16 "progre$$ reports"from ODT. 
Richard Healey posted this reminder on facebook. Sorry about all the background grey. I couldn't cut it away.

Otago power consumer price hikes in pipeline

..........This year the company recorded a net operating loss of $10.9 million, including a $5m provision for potential financial penalties prompted by a Commerce Commission investigation.
The company's annual report noted it was required to complete a CPP [customised price-quality path], given the level of future network investment it was proposing.
Aurora last year announced it would invest $748 million over 10 years on new developments and to upgrade its ageing infrastructure, including replacing old power poles and other ageing infrastructure across the province.
The company hit headlines earlier this year over ballooning costs and salaries.
The company's annual report – released by Dunedin City Holdings Ltd, an investment company owned by the council – revealed 48 employees were paid more than $100,000 a year, including six paid more than $200,000.

DCC investigating Aurora progress again

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