Thursday 9 January 2020

Housing shortage: Cr Lee Vandervis's view

The DCC 2GP has made the housing crisis worse, 

                                          but ODT Hawkins-friendly reporter Chris Morris fails to mention that Crs Hawkins and Benson-Pope were highly-paid Cull-appointed commissioners on the 2GP that pushed through the crazy zoning and other rules that have reduced building options in Dunedin and made the few available sections unaffordable.

Reporter Morris does say that the DCC Second Generation Plan “had been blamed for holding up the development of hundreds of new homes”, and says that “The 2PG itself has also been described by one property developer as “broken” despite rezoning 190ha of new land for residential development.”

Reporter Morris fails to report that Hawkins and Benson-Pope pushed through new harsher 2GP rules for residential building in rural and semi-rural areas where the 15 ha rule for a house has been increased to a draconian 40 hectares, massively decreasing housing section possibilities, and massively devaluing many rural and semi-rural property values.

Morris fails to mention the absurd 2GP rule for granny flats requiring them to be only for a family member…

“Mr Hawkins favoured infill development over urban sprawl” says Morris, but in fact his green ideology has limited both – the 2GP won’t let you build in the country hills and the 2GP absurd requirements for houses on the low-lying flat to be ‘relocatable’ means you can’t build economically on the flat either.

The housing ‘crisis’ has been created by those that now disallow a quick fix because of their ideologies.

Housing shortage, Mayor's view

No quick housing fix, Dunedin mayor says