"Most of our supplies came from the Taieri" - first class soils for McMansions...

"My sister?” says Hyacinth Bucket, “She's the one with the Mercedes, swimming pool and room for a pony…”

Council decisions benefiting certain people led to the loss of (get that word!) SUSTAINABILITY and the addition of FOOD MILES but never mind, the profits from carving up our excellent soils into lifestyle blocks made some people very happy. The rest of us were done over, losing so much fresh local produce.

There is something too crazy about sending it to Christchurch to the supermarket distribution centres then freighting it back. We'll be up effluent creek if road and rail gets blocked like Kaikoura's did, courtesy of the earthquake.

Thank goodness for the Farmers' Market and a few local suppliers who buy from growers in our area.

 Wing On closes after 60 years

 Roger Kan, owner and founder of the Dunedin institution has decided to call it a day, trading in his food scales for fish scales.
The wholesale food business is a household name in Dunedin, dating back to 1959 as Wing On — and to before World War 2 as a family-owned store in the city......


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