Reality, wages vs rates & line charge increases

Some people - largely the kind of people paid with money forced out of the incomes of people whose circumstances they understand superficially if at all - seem to think students and beneficiaries are the only ones affected by huge increases in their outgoing$.

This is untrue. So is the idea that people who earn low wages are unskilled, or too gormless to get trained, or too unreliable to hold down a "proper" job. On social media a person who dares to point out they are doing it hard on the pay they earn is told, "Get a better nob then!" and "You should have got educated so you wouldn't be in a dead end job now."

1/  Someone has to do the caring and cleaning and shelf stacking. Those "lowly" jobs, especially personal care work, are vital. Who'd be screaming-mad if they had to give up their high paid jobs to look after their own old people and small children? - DCC & Aurora management, how do you feel about becoming part or fulltime carers?

2/  Not everyone, no matter how capable and hard-working, gets paid what they are worth nor do they get career advancement. The higher the rank (& salary) the fewer places, it's a job pyramid.

3/  Society gets best value out of its people when as many as possible are doing pro-social work that they love.

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