Sunday 23 February 2020

Mosgiel maintenance not up to scratch, says local observer

This was posted in a Facebook group -

 by George Gibson to Dunedin News Uncensored
I see nothing changes under this New Mayor. He appears to have the same disregard for the Maintenance of our Infra Structure the last one had. In Mosgiel I see during moderate Rain, water starting to pool quickly in the gutters showing lack of Mud Trap Maintenance and or the ability for the Storm Water System to Cope. I see grass and weeds sprouting up through the tar seal on foot paths. I see our Access Lanes with grass and weeds a foot high along the edges and tufts of grass covering storm water grates. Yes He certainly is a Greenie likes the bloody stuff sprouting everywhere. On top of all this more and more Building is being approved in Mosgiel when we were warned 20 years ago our Storm Water and Sewage System could not take anymore significant Building Works without Major Upgrades. Now they take no notice of this, which for sure will result in Local Flooding and Pollution.