Aurora - "SEVENTY EIGHT PERCENT more for their line charges"

    Richard Healey

    21 November 2019

    Crocodile tears from Fletcher over this disaster that he must share the blame for. With all the humility available to him, he sits in his cocoon, basking in his more than half a million dollar a year salary, while people in the region earning 100 times less than him feel the cold bite of energy poverty.
    The increases shown here cover less than half the proposed rebuild. According to Aurora's own figures, two years and a day from the implementation of their proposal consumers in this region will be paying SEVENTY EIGHT PERCENT more for their line charges. What they are not telling you is that after that date line charges will continue to rise at around 10% each year.
    More price rises for Aurora Energy customers have been signalled
     "....Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Jim Boult has been highly critical of the price increases, saying they were unacceptable.
    He also pointed out that the Dunedin City Council had received a ''significant amount of profit'' from the company in the past, and should therefore make a ''capital contribution'' to Aurora to help address the infrastructure issues.
    His Dunedin counterpart Aaron Hawkins would not be drawn on whether the council should pay.
    On Tuesday he said it was a more sudden change than it could have been, but it was important to note line charges would have increased whenever the work had happened."

     Mayor Hawkins clearly hasn't any idea of where the money went - disguising stadium cost, and ill-judged "want to buy a bridge, sucker?" investments in property development....
     If only he'd been following the original What If blog! 

    Facebook Comments: 
    Margaret Livingstone I am glad we live in an area where our lines company have not only put most of the town lines underground, and have been replacing old poles in the district for years, but they also give us a small return on our lines charges every year.
  • Raewynne Pedofski From a hard cold business perspective I think the Dunedin ratepayers are better with an increase in power charges to cover the costs of renewing the network (rather than rates) least it is spread across the region, more than the city, As Lee had predicted in his graphs how our city borrowings were going to escalate if the city paid. However as CODC indicated they will possibly take action against DCC to recover the costs that (we)!! Have spent from the proceeds of our Utility Company over the years🙄 There is a perverse part of me laughing at this ludicrous situation that two scorned whistleblowers have been predicting for years.
    • David Mays Raewynne Pedofski Dunedin should be paying for and obsorbing all the costs, they benefitted from the misappropriated lines charges from Central Otago for about 15 years to keep their rates down.

  • Campbell Romeril And if our new council, led by a 'Green' Mayor wants to encourage homeowners to invest in renewable energy at their homes, this will completely undermine the economic viability of grid-tied systems (which are already borderline in many areas) and slow such investment to a standstill.
    I for one, will be looking very seriously at cutting the cable altogether at home when we renovate, with already disproportionate line charges due to our slightly rural location, it's getting to the point it's simply not worth it.

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