Friday 23 August 2019

"Three-day hearing into oil giant discharge cost $51,000"

 OIO was needed, again. Transparency is a word restricted to election campaigns.

"A breakdown of the cost of the hearing has been released to Stuff under the Official Information Act."

"An oil giant will pick up the tab for a three-day hearing on its application to discharge a harmful substance off the Otago coast....
...The Great Southern Basin is home to protected species including yellow-eyed penguins, albatross, southern right whales and New Zealand fur seals.,,,

,,,Under OMV's Great South Basin permit, the company is required to drill one exploration well before July 10, 2021.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced an end to any new offshore oil exploration permits in April 2018."

This is how top pay rates get ratchetted up

...Mr Cull said the rise reflected the need to bring Dr Bidrose's pay into line with market value, which had been independently assessed.
He also wanted to reward her "simply outstanding" performance and address a gender pay gap.
Despite that, Dr Bidrose had tried to turn it down, asking instead for a small increase in line with those received by other council staff, Mr Cull said.....

Anzac Ave - Harrow St site

Wait and see.

23 August 2019

The property in Anzac Ave and Harrow St changed hands on Monday after its owner reached an agreement to sell in June.
The site includes the 2100sqm building of design-and-build firm Miller Creative, leased until 2020.
It also contains a light industrial-use premises leased to Otago Polytechnic as a workshop, three student flats, a four-bedroom house, 30 storage units and a 250sqm warehouse.
It was investigated by the Otago Regional Council as a potential headquarters location, but the ORC was unsuccessful in securing the site.