Wednesday 4 September 2019

Would-be Dunedin Mayor Malcolm Moncrief-Spittle takes on Auckland Council

  • A Dunedin mayoral candidate and a University of Auckland lecturer are listed on documents as the two applicants fighting for the speaking rights of two controversial right-wing Canadians in Auckland's High Court this week.
     Malcolm Moncrief-Spittle. Photo: Craig Baxter
    On the court documents, University of Auckland anaesthesiology lecturer David Cumin is listed as one applicant, would-be Dunedin Mayor, climate change denier, Donald Trump supporter and rare books dealer Malcolm Moncrief-Spittle the other.

    Representing the Free Speech Coalition is the Queen's Counsel Jack Hodder, who was recently snapped up by the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners to oppose changes to the country's gun laws.
     According to Williams, the exercise has cost about $200,000 so far and, if they didn't succeed in the High Court, he said they'd appeal.

    The group's claim: Auckland Council broke the law and undermined New Zealand's democracy by stopping alt-right activists Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux from speaking at the council-owned Bruce Mason Centre last July.