Harbour development

Cockleshell design on ice; still part of plan


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    Ken Lethaby:
    Yet they are surging ahead with developing what they call "Stage 1", which apparently is the northern side of the harbour basin. Yet, the only real justification Van Brandenburg dreamed up for that side of the basin is a University of Otago Marine Biology Centre. And we all know how well the UoO's support for that department is going!. So, other than a structure which the UoO has not budgeted for and is now even less likely to proceed with, the only other primary purpose for the entire north side of the development that is deemed "necessary for the future progress of Dunedin" appears to be a recreational cycleway...

  2. Comments on ODT site

    Boldor Sat, 02/11/2019 - 8:22am #

    Ha ha ha nobody except the half a dozen clowns that want this will be losing any sleep about those hideous things not being there,here's an idea how about spending that money on roads and infrastructure instead of a vanity project like this.

    SH_888 Sat, 02/11/2019 - 10:32am #

    So the Council were fully aware that the $100 million request had previously been declined so resubmitted for $44m, of which Dunedin received only $19m. All of this information withheld whilst this group of Councillors lobbied for re-election. Dunedin have successfully voted for more of the same - good work Dunedin, you can remain in your time warp!

  3. Comment on ODT site

    KeithMcC Sat, 02/11/2019 - 11:21am #

    The concept drawing and models for this part of town should only be considered as that - just a concept. Take a run down neglected piece of foreshore and turn it into a vibrant living area. And that includes the dream time $20 million bridge.

    I note no one has said what these buildings would be used for. Dunedin certainly doesn't need another museum. Maybe a bay side retreat for retired councilors and their egos?

    The land should be offered in a public open competition. Let designers and developers show what they can do without using buckets of public money.

    It has taken years for DCC to offer the Moray St car park in a tender. You would hope they learnt some lessons from that debacle.

  4. @ KeithMcC - Agreed this has been 'gazzumped' on us all - but its really just pie i the sky. When we come back down to earth we might find that we need to fix a few sewers and roads first.
    Dr Bidrose – whstling in the dark?

  5. And then of course one can contemplate the effect of a bit of sea level rise around those 'lovely' cockleshells take a look
    if you subscribe to sea level rise...get the picture


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