Sunday 1 March 2020

Fake flowers, real money - "vibrant and unique"


Blossoming project

Giant flowers sprang up in Municipal Lane this week, brightening the walkway to the Octagon Experience in Dunedin. DCC city services general manager Sandy Graham said the flowers in the heritage lane would help showcase the importance of city lanes as vital pedestrian links......

....."Rather than using normal wayfinder signage, it was agreed that something vibrant and unique would be ideal."
The artist behind the colourful display was Theme Productions and feedback from the public had been positive.
The installation had cost $34,000 and would be returned to the artist in April.
29 February 2020
$34,000 just to rent them.
Justifiable or not?
What do you think? Discuss.

 So Facebook contributors discussed. Here's a small selection :

  • Christina O'Neill That's where my rates are going to. Bloody disgusting dcc
  • Sheryl Wallace What a have. Mmmm $34,000 in rent ....isn't that a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom home for a family for a year...just. But hey they can go to the Octagon, and see the flowers and think...arent we so lucky.....what a have.
  • James Farrell Makes the 45k for the harbour teeth seem like a bargain
    Alyssa Carty With a new mayor brings a new level of stupidity. Biggest waste of money. There's homeless people all over the city and the DCC can justify $34,000 for rental of fake flowers. As my friend suggested earlier if they wanted to do this why not get the school of art to help out students get something out of it and it doesn't cost $34,000. Stuff owning a house right now I wouldn't be paying rates to those clowns 🤦‍♀️
    Derek Gunn You know that Dunedin's in debt, don't you?
    So this puts us more in debt until it's paid off...
      Kim Black They are hired from a Christchurch events company
      Simon Smith -

      Kim Black so not a local Dunedin one then?

    • Kim Black - Simon Smith no from what I read
      In the first ODT article it named the company so I looked it up on google and Facebook and it was a Christchurch based events company they had photos of the flowers on their [web site? - ed] sadly I can’t remember the name but it’s in the article. It’s probably one of their friends
    • Simon Smith  - Kim Black see Aaron looking after the locals then.....nice



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