Friday 12 July 2019

Cycleways Phil Twyford 12/07/19 "City 'ahead of game' in terms of transport"

City 'ahead of game' in terms of transport

Transport Minister Phil Twyford (centre) inspects the Leith Bridge during a visit to Dunedin...
Transport Minister Phil Twyford (centre) inspects the Leith Bridge during a visit to Dunedin yesterday, flanked by Dunedin City Council transport group manager Richard Saunders (left) and NZ Transport Agency regional relationships director Jim Harland. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH
Dunedin is "ahead of the game" as it rolls out a modern cycling and public transport network, Transport Minister Phil Twyford said yesterday. Mr Twyford was in Dunedin to visit the Hillside engineering workshop and inspect the city's expanding network of public and active transport facilities.
That included the city's new $8million central city separated cycleways, the $1.4million walking and cycling bridge over the Leith and the new $5.4million bus hub in Great King St.
Mr Twyford was impressed by what he saw and said such projects were "critically important" as Dunedin grew.......

..........."People want cities that are liveable, and cities that are cyclable and walkable are liveable."
Mr Twyford also met staff from the Dunedin City Council, Otago Regional Council and NZ Transport Agency in Dunedin to hear about their work on the projects, and emerged impressed.
"I think the councils and NZTA here clearly work together closely and very well ... They are well ahead of the game in terms of thinking through how you build a modern urban transport system.".....

........."Hillside, which has been such an important part of Dunedin's history, is now going to be an important part of its future."

 Full story:


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