Saturday, 3 August 2019
Calvert returning to local politics

Hilary Calvert
The former Act New Zealand list MP and one-term city councillor said it was clear the regional council could do better.
Particular areas of focus would be pest control, making sure rivers and lakes were looked after and ensuring the council carried out its regulatory functions, Ms Calvert said.
"We are at a crossroads with some of these issues.
"I believe I could help refocus the Otago Regional Council on it's obligations and opportunities to lead Otago in looking after our environment, rather than the current fixation on the endless quest for new premises," Ms Calvert said..........
Bad news for those facebook wishers, below - Hilary says
"Running for DCC and ORC is not allowed.
Facebook, following the odt article:
Kathleen Foliaki So pleased but are you running for mayor?
- Wendy Northcoat Oh how I would LOVE you to run for mayor someone with integrity and common sense
- Muzza Kaha We need someone like you to run for mayor.
- Allan Nisbet Wish Hillary would run for Mayor
- Nola Mike Vaughan Hillary for Mayor!
Need people like you to run for mayor