Wednesday 18 December 2019

The "Get Vandervis" game continues, post-Cull

Lee Vandervis

Talk of judicial review

.......... Councillors at Tuesday’s full council meeting voted 13-0 to censure Cr Vandervis, after an investigation concluded he had been "loud, aggressive and intimidating" towards a Dunedin City Council staff member.
Cr Vandervis has continued to dispute the investigation’s findings, saying the complaint was "trumped-up" and politically motivated.
He also told Tuesday’s meeting his legal adviser, Len Andersen QC, had "advised me that I have good grounds for applying for a judicial review of any adverse decision made by the council".
That was because of "the failure of the investigator to adhere to the basic principles of natural justice".
It was a view rejected by council legal representative Michael Garbett, who was "satisfied that the process has been fair and consistent with the code of conduct"...... 

 Apparently the video does not capture sound, which is convenient when it comes to playing the Get Vandervis game and explains Cr Jules Radich's otherwise odd term "loud-looking behaviour".

It's refreshing to see a member of the public objecting to the word "violence", which conjures mental pictures of blood, bruises, broken bones and ambulances, to mean "words that upset" someone. 


Vandervis censured over 'aggressive' parking ticket exchange

Dunedin city councillor Lee Vandervis has been censured by his colleagues after a investigation found he engaged in "loud, aggressive and intimidating behaviour" towards a staff member.

Lee Vandervis
Councillors at today's full council meeting voted unanimously in favour of issuing Cr Vandervis with a written censure to demonstrate his conduct was unacceptable. That was despite Cr Vandervis continuing to dispute key parts of the investigation’s findings, insisting he had not been afforded "natural justice" and maintaining the complaint against him was politically motivated.
..The Code of Conduct complaint against Cr Vandervis alleged he had engaged in "an uncalled-for verbal attack" on a DCC customer services staff member during an exchange at the Civic Centre reception on September 13.
The resolution to censure him at yesterday’s meeting came from Cr Mike Lord, who said he had also spoken to a trusted staff member who detailed the exchange.
Cr Vandervis had been "loud", and the situation "embarrassing" ...

Cr Jules Radich spoke in support of Cr Vandervis, saying if the exchange was over a $12 parking ticket — as the complainant had claimed and Cr Vandervis had denied — then it was "a very small matter".
He also questioned whether the video showed "much shouting or loud-looking" behaviour, and said he was "very reluctant" to censure Cr Vandervis over the incident.
"We have quite a lot of complaint going on here about not very much," he said.

Cr Marie Laufiso ...[said]... His conduct "is violence — and we should have no tolerance for violence of any kind", she said. 


Once again DCC focusing attention on a verbal spat that occurred 3 - 4 months ago. I had hoped the new council would focus on current issues and bring some openness to council workings. But then seemingly we are stuck with the same internally focused stuff while keeping real decisions hidden as much as possible.
A new broom with the same old bristles.
His conduct "is violence — and we should have no tolerance for violence of any kind", she said.
Violence: 'behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something'
In case it needs to be pointed out, hurting someone's feelings is not violence, so please stop misusing the term.

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