Tuesday 18 February 2020

DCC drop-in sessions - South Dunedin’s geological make up Feb 19

List of Drop-in sessions 2020 Feb-April, is below this notice.

 Dunedin City Council
Come along and find out more about the lie of the land, South Dunedin’s geological make up at the South Dunedin Community Pop Up library on Hillside Road from 12-3.30pm tomorrow (Wednesday, 19 Feb).

This is the first of our monthly drop-in sessions looking climate change in South Dunedin and the joint work between the DCC and Otago Regional Council.

More info: www.dunedin.govt.nz/talking-with-the-community

Drop-in sessions 2020
We are also starting a series of monthly drop-in sessions at the South Dunedin Community Pop-Up in Hillside Road. We will be running evening catch-up sessions every three months for anyone that can’t make the day times. Have a look at the details below and come along to discuss and learn more.
Wed, 19 February - 12-3.30pm South Dunedin Community Pop-Up, 199 Hillside Road  The lie of the land: the geology of South Dunedin
Thurs, 19 March  - 12-3.30pm South Dunedin Community Pop-Up, 199 Hillside Road  St Clair – St Kilda coastal plan: what matters most?
Wed, 22 April  - 12-3.30pm South Dunedin Community Pop-Up, 199 Hillside Road  The Flat: the people of South Dunedin, its buildings, assets, cultural sites, heritage
Wed, April 22 evening - 5.30-7.30pm South Dunedin Community Network offices, 278A King Edward Street *The lie of the land
*St Clair – St Kilda coastal plan
*The Flat

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