Thursday 18 June 2020

She's moving on. CEO Sue Bidrose taking up a new role as AgResearch chief executive in Christchurch.

There's plenty to admire about Dr Sue Bidrose, for example attitude of best service to the city ahead of greed and ego

"Dr Bidrose made headlines last year when it emerged she had tried to turn down a $57,000 pay rise, designed to bring her in line with her male counterparts across the country.

She also agreed to a hefty pay cut for six months this year as councils nationwide grappled with the economic fallout of Covid-19."

... then this pops out of the ODT article

Dr Bidrose had confidence in Mayor Aaron Hawkins' vision for Dunedin.
"Aaron's vision for the city is fantastic, we've got a great bunch of senior councillors who will drive the city into the future."

and I'm whisked back in time, remembering various scary drivers back in my hitch-hiking days.

Outgoing Dunedin chief executive speaks of online vitriol

.... Bidrose, who announced her resignation on Wednesday, said she wasn't leaving her role because of online vitriol, but said it had become worse during her tenure.

''It is appalling. It is really hard,'' Bidrose told media, just an hour after confirming she was resigning from the top job.

A senior staff member, who recently joined council from the private sector, noted the fierce criticism of council: ''It takes its toll.'' ...

.... She hit the headlines in March when council confirmed Bidrose would reduce her $444,000 annual salary by 15 per cent over the next six months, saving ratepayers $33,300.

Last year Stuff revealed Bidrose asked not to be awarded a $57,000 pay rise, believing it would make her job "harder".

"It is an awkward thing to have to explain a large salary increase to my staff at the best of times," she said at the time. ...

Bidrose: Darkest days in aftermath of Citifleet fraud


It's a tough, tough uncomfortable job with all the division and infighting.

It will be sad to see Bidrose go said somebody I'm sure, lets see if she can beat Napier's Councils CEO morning tea of over $4000. I'm sure a lot will follow her career if it is not just out of curiosity. Lets hope there is least a two year period of accountability if not with Bidrose at least with the Mayor being held accountable for all the decisions she has forced on Dunedin. Poor Hawkins will be like a fish out of water. On wards and upwards Dunedin the horizon is looking good. Fair well Bidrose, well wishes, I'm sure you did do some good for Dunedin.

Why the personal sniping. It doesn't have to be at every single opportunity. Sue Bidrose is a human and is leaving a work position which has been very important to her and also challenging: she has put her heart and soul in to it. The decent thing is to wish someone well. Or stay silent. These constant criticisms made by a small segment start lurching towards the "online bullying" realm. All the very best Sue! Many Dunedinites appreciate your work, vision and integrity. Many of us think Dunedin is going forward very positively. Thank you for your dedication, vision and service.

good luck to her..she did a great job in a difficult council

Even though some of her recent comments have been a bit disappointing (George St fiasco) i still want to thank her for sorting out the cities financial problems etc for the first few years, which was why she was appointed to the job.

Would be good to get Invermay humming again now... ;)

Please can she take Hawkins with her?

Sue is a good person but wasnt considered a good leader. Lots of kind words, yet a lot of staff at the DCC oddly voted for vandervis for mayor as a mechanism to remove Sue and her senior team. She wont be missed at city hall.

One avid Green down, a few more to go. Let's hope her replacement can have a more balanced view of Dunedin's future, but with the Greens picking her successor, I doubt it.

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