Sunday 8 September 2019

ODT profiles: Barbour-Evans, Campbell, Hawkins, Whiley, Seager

Printed interview and video are in the links.

Scout Barbour-Evans

Age: 24.
Occupation: Student.
Brought up: Dunedin.
Political orientation: Former Green Party member, politics haven’t changed.
Council experience: Candidate 2016.
Describe yourself in three words: Smart, compassionate and bold.
 Continued at

Finn Campbell

Age: 27.
Brought up: Dunedin.
Occupation: Unemployed and volunteer.
Council experience: Community representative on the Dunedin City Council’s environment strategy.
Political orientation: Classic left and green.
Describe yourself in three words: Thoughtful, compassionate and caring.
Continued at

Aaron Hawkins

Age: 35.
Brought up: Invercargill, Southland, then Dunedin.
Occupation: City councillor.
Council/governance experience: Two-term councillor, chairman of community and culture committee Refugee Steering Group, Creative Dunedin Partnership, Mayor’s Taskforce for Housing; Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust chairman, former Blue Oyster Arts Trust board member.
Political orientation: Progressive, Green Party candidate.
Describe yourself in three words: Effective, fair, curious.

Continued at

Andrew Whiley

Age: 53.
Brought up: Wellington, moved to Dunedin in 2003.
Occupation: City councillor, business owner, ex-golf professional.
Council/governance experience: Two-term councillor, deputy chairman economic development committee, bylaw hearings chairman, NZPGA board member, Volunteering Otago chairman, Institute of Directors member.
Political orientation: Centre/centre-right.
Describe yourself in three words: Dependable, hard-working, focused.
Continued at

 Richard Seager

Age: 57
Brought up: Waikato and the Bay of Plenty
Plenty Political: Left but cynical, more focused on democracy
Council experience: None
Describe yourself in three words: Open-minded, resourceful and dedicated.
 Continued at

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