Sunday 8 September 2019

Overseas trip worth while! Solution to diabolical Port noise

How about this - not a public-purse jaunt with a bunch of cobbers. Surprised? Shocked? 
Have a little sit-down and a cup of tea. That worked wonders during the Blitz, apparently. 
Let's hope the Maersk chappies do the right thing. 

Way to silence noisy ships found

Port Otago’s chief executive has returned from Denmark with a solution to silence noisy ships.
Earlier this year, residents in the area complained about the noise coming from the Rio class ships, which they described as akin to a V8 car idling in their driveway.
Port Otago chief executive Kevin Winders said the solution may be a silencer which would be retro-fitted into the six Rio class ships.
Mr Winders travelled to Copenhagen last month to meet Maersk engineers and said things looked promising.......

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