Saturday 26 October 2019

SDHB - is it because of culture, or funding, or management?

The whole ODT article hasn't a word about WHY they are striking. 
Perhaps this is the achievement of April Strategy  - see Zzhuzhing up the culture, first SDHB now OU  - "improving the culture". By decreasing visibility?
I had to find the reason at 

SDHB prepares for technologists' strike

 *  *  *  *  *  *

Wait times to increase at Southern DHB as radiographers go on fifth strike

....APEX Southland MIT delegate Shahn Smith said the removal of backpay and higher wages for more advanced positions were the two issues that were not resolved in last round of negotiations.
Those who work in CT or MRI or nuclear medicine have a more stressful job than someone working on X-rays and under negotiations they are not being rewarded for the larger workload, Smith said....


  1. It seems that Tim Keogh has made the rounds of fall the DHB's and local governments in NZ to peddle his message - but its not without a few questions being asked by those who eventually have to pay.
    The last post didn't trigger this link below.

  2. While on about the DHB and its woes, an article in the ODT today (30-10-19) says that the DHB will replace its coal burning plant with a wood burning one because, it is claimed to be 'carbon neutral'. Well it is NOT carbon neutral.
    Here's why.
    Burning wood is NOT carbon neutral

  3. It is unbelievable that such highly trained and dedicated people, essential to the health and well being of our community are treated so shabbily. Shame


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