Saturday 26 October 2019

Zzhuzhing up the culture, first SDHB now OU

I'd have picked the stream of media revelations about nastiness, muddles and XOS egos damaging all the hard-working people within a clapped-out workplace running on the smell of an oily rag got a few people to pull their heads in and fingers out. 

Perhaps a few bum-kickings took place. Them's my thinks

Yet possibly it was due to a squad of imported consultants improving the culture.

Me, if I wanted some culture improved I'd look at SDHB and go, "Nah, I want heaps more improvement than that for the money." But then, I'm looking at it from the point of view of someone spending their own money.

The University of Otago has engaged a UK-based consultancy firm previously hired by the Southern District Health Board in a bid to improve its culture.
 The University of Otago has engaged a UK-based consultancy firm previously hired by the Southern District Health Board in a bid to improve its culture.
April Strategy is involved in an exercise branded "Shaping Our Culture, Together - He Waka Kotuia", led by the university's HR department....

...[T]he Tertiary Education Union (TEU) has said the mood at the university is at "a low ebb" following that review and others, with both academic and general staff worried about job security....

...TEU Dunedin organiser Phil Edwards said staff had experienced a period of "constant change and disruption" in recent years.
A TEU survey had found the support services review had entailed "three years of considerable uncertainty about the future ... and a significant loss of organisational knowledge caused by redundancies, redeployments and workload and workflow changes".
Other university reviews in recent years have involved humanities, physical education, human nutrition and the centre for material science and technology, and the current review into the Department of Marine Sciences.

Wouldn't the culture be more effectively enhanced by not continuously 
reducing education  provided, by not restructuring services such that the most 
effective experienced support staff were replaced by less experienced 
appointed to roles above their competence level? 

Is hiring a firm to improve the culture, after mishandling the basics of respect 
for people and education brought the mood to "a low ebb", not so much
a problem-solver as a mission to put lipstick on a pig? 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This should be ok

  3. The reference I posted is still not activated so I am trying this:
    Tim Keogh has been busy


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